Fontlab Problem

August 27th, 2013

First of all, I’m not a typographer. I just want to add turkish characters to my favorite fonts. So, i made a little search about it. The first problem i faced is this sentence occured in Fontlab when generating a font;
[WARNING] <HelveticaInseratLTStd-Roman> Use of DFLT tag has been deprecated. It will work, but please use ‘dflt’ instead. [C:/Users/XXX/Documents/FontLab/Studio5/fontlab.fea 415]
I created a solution myself.. I found open type panel in windows section, then i found and changed all “DFLT” to “dflt” in codes. Actually, this step solved my problem. However, I’m not a typographer and i don’t have enough knowledge about it. So, i need to know the consequences of my actions. I recorded a video about my experience and i need a typographer to confirm that what i’m doing in the video is right..
Thanks in Advance

Answer #1


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