Font size at warez

September 25th, 2013

Last wek I was using Warez-bb to download a program when suddenly on the change of a screen, the fonts became very small, and I could hardly read them. I have tried altering my screen sizes etc. but nothing helps. Anybody have any ideas???
Answer #1
Press “Ctrl + 0” when in browser.
Answer #2
Magic…thanks mate…..the wonders of modern technology are forever testing the mind. Thanks again
Answer #3
Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Up/Down to Zoom In/Out.
Answer #4
Ctrl + 0 (zero) to reset to default size
Ctrl + “+” to increase size
Ctrl + “-” to decrease size
Chances are that you decreased the size without realising. Maybe you were holding the Ctrl key and moved the mouse wheel.


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