Dual Ram?

August 5th, 2016

i just bought a new computer
amd 5000+ dual core has 2gig ddr2 667
my question is, if i would upgrade my ram would it be better to switch to dual channel ram because i have a dual core? Ill probley bumb up the speed to max, I think this mobo will handle 800. Thanks for helping

Answer #1
That all depends on if you mobo supports Dual Channel. Most newer mobo that support dual cores also support dual channel memory. Whats the model# of your mobo, or can you post a link to in on a manufacturer’s website or E-tailor?
Answer #2
im sure ur mobo supports dual channel, its better to switch to dual channel
u can read more about it here
and waht to u mean should make it 800?
Answer #3
and waht to u mean should make it 800?
Probably 800mhz FSB ram.
Answer #4
i looked everywhere about this computer. Acer Aspire M3100 – Athlon 64 X2 5000+, they have so many differnt types but it looks like they all have same mobo, just bigger hdd or vid. The Number of Computer is AM3100-U3300A im guessing this is very new so alot of ppl dont have it. I only payed $350 for this computer. Its super fast i just wonted to max out the ram. My main question was with dual core is it better to buy dual channel ram? Thanks for the fast reply
Answer #5
yes, dual channel ram is much more better then putting a single 2 gig ram, thats why most 2 gig ram packs come in 2 modules of 1 gigs, and ofcourse go for 800 Mhz if ur mobo supports it
i’ld say go for dual channel
Answer #6
Main Aser Site Specs for your model.
Up to 4 GB DDR2 533/667/800 MHz SDRAM
(dual-channel support on four DIMMs)

800 Mhz Dual Channel appears to be fully supported. Go for it.
Answer #7
Thanks alot everyone, I thought i would ask befor i buy. Hope others can use this info in there needs. I im going to price some ddr2 dual channel 800mhz, and see about upgrading. Im sure this will be all i could do because the computer is super fast already. Thanks again
Answer #8
i swear dual channel ram is aka ddr/ddr2…
Answer #9
All ddr and ddr2 and 3 will operate in dual mode if supported by mother board and are matched modules some times even unmatched will run dual Single Dual or Quad core cpu is irrelevant to this issue


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