Download PS3 Game? [SOLVED]

February 6th, 2021

I got a lot of weird websites saying that they offer downloading PS3 games and Burning them onto Blu-ray Discs.
I was wondering if you can download and PS3 game, and copy it onto an external Hard Disk and then, copy it to the PS3 HDD. (PS: I’m getting a PS3 in a week so I don’t know much on how this goes or even if an external hard disk is compatible). I mean Theoretically it sounds possible. However I don’t see anyone try it…. (OK getting a blue-ray drive is expensive but just asking if some one i’m the world has tried it)
: :

Answer #1
You can download PS3 games even in here…But I don’t think you can play them…Not yet anyway…
Answer #2
You can download PS3 games even in here...But I don't think you can play them...Not yet anyway...
Really, I haven’t seen any. All I’ve seen are game guides and what do you mean by they can’t be played yet… No home-brew has been working so far?
Answer #3
PS3 hasn’t been hacked yet so no pirated games can work it on YET. But you can download ISO’s from this forum on the games section; just won’t be playable on PS3 until it’s hacked that is.
Answer #4
PS3 hasn't been hacked yet so no pirated games can work it on YET. But you can download ISO's from this forum on the games section; just won't be playable on PS3 until it's hacked that is.

So basically you mean we can download them and burn them onto BR discs but not directly onto the HDD and play….sad….=\
Answer #5
You can’t play Downloaded PS3 Games yet..Period..
Answer #6
then why bother uploading the games if nobody can play them yet? Is this the same story witht the 360 and wiii?
Answer #7
Forget it, PS3 will not be hacked. The downloads for blu-ray are huge and that means RS points. Go figure.
Answer #8
Forget it, PS3 will not be hacked. The downloads for blu-ray are huge and that means RS points. Go figure.
well said!
Answer #9
if it’s made by humans then it can be broken by humans period. NOTHING is unhackable, it all about the how much someone want to hack it. The reason people have ps3 backups is ONLY for archive prepossess. Also what you are thinking that you can just download a ps3 iso and put it on a ps3 and it would magically work is incorrect. The ps3 IS NOT A ISO LOADER like the ps2/wii. To have iso loading you would first need to hack the ps3 firmware and then create a application that would allow iso to even be recognized by the ps3.
Answer #10
but cant u download ps3 games like buy them and download em to ur ps3? cuz alot of sites say so … so then wouldnt it be easy to convert and hack it ?
Answer #11
but cant u download ps3 games like buy them and download em to ur ps3? cuz alot of sites say so ... so then wouldnt it be easy to convert and hack it ?
Yes, through the PSN (playstation network). I’m pretty sure people have thought of that already.
Sony aren’t stupid, they spent absolutely ages on securing the console. Even if you could hack it, a week later there’d be a firmware update and it would be undone.


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