Does anyone know how to put an iPod Touch in Disk Mode/USB?

August 4th, 2016

I want to put some files on my ipod touch from my computer but it doesn’t go into disk mode like the other ipods do. Is there a way to do it?
Answer #1
What os version do you have?
is yours jailbroken?
do you have libusb installed?
*mine does go into diskmode…
Answer #2
The easiest way is to install iTunes. When you have iTunes running and plug in your ipod, it will show up in the panel in the left. Highlight it and there should be an option to enable diskmode in the main part of the window, on the first tab IIRC.
EDIT: found a guide from apple :
Answer #3
@, I have no idea what OS version I have, how do you find out? it’s not jailbroke and I don’t have that installed, what is it?
@, thank you but that’s only for the other ipods, there’s no option for the ipod touch.
Answer #4
After short googlin I’ve found out that ipod touch doesn’t have disk mode. If you need it really bad, google around, it appears there’s some software to work around this.


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