Disk Image question

August 16th, 2013

Ok, i made a disk Image using Active@ disk image but not sure what i just did….am i to understand that if i get infected or fail, that i boot this up and it puts me back to good before said failure?……..Will it format and wipe out virus’s and spyware as it does this, if so i cant see any need to run any kind of antivirus (which i hate cause it slows me down and bugs the pee outa me)……sorry for my ignorance but i’ve never used an image before……
Answer #1
It’s exactly what it says, an image of your disk.
In other words, its an exact copy of your entire file system.
I recommend taking an image of your hard drive every week (And NOT storing the HDD with the image on it in your computer. Put it in a fire safe if you have one!)
Then use a service like Mozy Home Free (2GB free) to back up all your settings and documents that change on a daily basis (Mozy does this automatically after you configure it).
With those two techniques combined, you can, at any time, no matter what happens to your computer, virus, fire, etc., blow the week old image out, and restore any files that may have changed in the last week since the last image was taken with Mozy; and presto! In less than a few hours, you have completely restored your computer to exactly where it was just moments before you crashed.
Answer #2
You still need the AV – it’s to stop a virus grabbing your bank details and sending them off to someone.
The image is to recover from the virus attack (or for when windows falls over in a screaming farting heap!).
Answer #3
you must always use antivirus , firewall , anti malware ,because if you have a virus infection ,or malware when you create the image ,the virus will be be in your image file … SO , run all your protection apps to check your system is clean BEFORE you create an image


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