develop english

August 3rd, 2016

i want to develop spoken english …
.so tel any software ,,that will help me to speak clearly

Answer #1
Rosetta stone
Answer #2
Rosetta stone
Yep should do the trick. I taught myself spanish with this program. Will need a microphone if you dont have one.
Answer #3
Hell yah, Rosetta stone, and some few others are good too.
Check this website for language software ratings and reviews.
Seems like the software “tell me more..” has topped Roseta Stone
Answer #4
Hell yah, Rosetta stone, and some few others are good too.
Check this website for language software ratings and reviews.
Seems like the software "tell me more.." has topped Roseta Stone

thank u mate
i have an account in live and my friend have account in hotmail…
how we 2 can get connected in the same chat box and speak 2 each other


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