Convert Floppy to CD/DVD (SOLVED)

August 14th, 2013

I need to upgrade BIOS on a Compaq Presario 2504 EU.
The download from manufacturer site is available.
However when you try to use it the requirement is that it unzips to a floppy drive.
The laptop has no A drive so is there a way to force it unzip to a CD there is no facility to use a USB drive to boot with either.
The file is sp30517 and coded link to the relevant page is below.
Any help appreciated.
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Answer #1
Have you tried to see if it will create a bootable cd ?
Use a CDRW just so you don’t end up with a coaster.
Answer #2
No it will not create a CD, I have just un RAR ed file which created a folder with 4 files in it. One of which was a disc image file at 1.4 MB (i.e a floppy). I have just burnt that to CD and am about to see if it works. However I suspect that it will be bootable so what I will then need is bootable CD with these files on it – ideas??
Answer #3
As I thought I have just created another coaster or perhaps I will use this one in the garden to scare the birds off!! So what I beleive I need to do is create a bootable CD with these files. Has anyone any idea how to do that?
Answer #4
Try burning the files with IMGburn to the CD.
Answer #5
I created and uploaded a bootCD for you..Let me know if you need the link..
Answer #6
Lionden you are a star yes please to link
Answer #7
Open the iso with Ulraiso..
drag and drop the flash tool and the bios file to the iso..
Burn the iso as image..
To be on the safe side..Copy the files from the cd to your hard drive to check for any bad burn before booting with the CD..
Good luck..
Answer #8
Lionden help please!1 I downloaded UltraISAO. If I drag the file to Ultra I jsut get a file named rom.img which when you cobvert to an ISO just gives another non bootable non functioning CD. If I use the open command on that rom.img with Ultra it opens a window with a numbewr of files in it which look to be about what I would expect. What I cannot acheive is getting these files to go to a ISO CD. Any idea what command within Ultra does this please?
Answer #9
Mate the file is already an iso..And don’t need no converting..look at the link..
It also bootable But you won’t see the boot file as they are stored in the boot sector..
All what you need to do is to double click on the iso you downloaded from me And if you have Ulraiso installed…It will automatically open in Ulraiso..
once open…Just drag the files from the bottom half of the screen and drop them to the top of the screen..
Then just hit the Save as button at the top..Supply a file name and save..
Then burn the iso you just saved as image
Answer #10
Tried that I now have alarge supply of drinks coasters!! I end up with a CD that boots as Win 95 disc gives an old DOS type screen with all the old 95 files that you would expect but no sign and no apparent way to access the disc image BIOS files I have attached a copy of a print screen of the CD directory from my Win 7 machine and of course it shows the files I need(as you will see this is not attached as I cannot work out how to attach it!! But it shows all the files I need they just will not open when I boot the other laptop which is running on XP by the way.. I am obviously doing something wrong. IS there any way (cheeky I know) that using the link in my post you coould look at the Compaq BIOS download and perhaps show me or even make an image for me that I could then download??
Answer #11
rom.img is a FLOPPY image not a CD image
get “Virtual Floppy Drive 2.1
create the floppy drive as per HP’s directions to that Virtual Floppy Drive
integrate those files into a folder in the 95 CD image
burn the new 95 CD image, boot from it and run the EXE or COM file to update your BIOS
post a list of those files if your unsure which one to run
Answer #12
Thanks I feel better now that I was not making a complete balls of it. Will give it a go tomorrow.
Answer #13
Sorry about that..Yea..You only get the boot files displayed..
I created a new iso for you…Also downloaded the files needed and included them in the iso…dc.exe is the flash utility and the Rom.img :
When you boot with the cd the startup files will be seen as drive A: and
the bios files added will be seen in drive R:
Remember….Use at your own risk…
Answer #14
dc.exe is the flash utility and the Rom.img
good work lionden but the DC.EXE file creates the floppy if you read the DC.BAT file
what he needs in your ISO is the EXTRACTED files in the ROM.IMG file
Answer #15
Ah..Sorry..I never tried the file…Just assumed it’s the flash utility..
Just go to the website..Download the flash utility..Delete or just leave that DC.exe and copy the flash utility to the iso and save..
The bios image is already there..
Thanks for pointing it out edwoodweb
Answer #16
think “f25.bin” is the actual BIOS image inside of the “ROM.IMG” file
that’s why the need for the virtual floppy
Answer #17
edwoodweb replied: dc.exe is the flash utility and the Rom.img
good work lionden but the DC.EXE file creates the floppy if you read the DC.BAT file
what he needs in your ISO is the EXTRACTED files in the ROM.IMG file
Thanks I saw that when extracted it seemed right but I still cannot seem to create a CD with these files that will self boot in BIOS. Still playing with virtual floppy but not got anywhere yet.
Answer #18
try “Universal Extractor” to get the files out of “ROM.IMG”"
did you get
edit “config.sys” and replace a:\ with D:\ (or whatever LETTER your CD drive boots to with the 95 CD)
create a bootable ISO with UltraISO and burn as an image
boot from it and update your BIOS
Answer #19
edwoodweb replied: try "Universal Extractor" to get the files out of "ROM.IMG""
did you get
edit "config.sys" and replace a:\ with D:\ (or whatever LETTER your CD drive boots to with the 95 CD)
create a bootable ISO with UltraISO and burn as an image
boot from it and update your BIOS
That is the file list I have Ultra extracted them for me and I resaved to another folder. Will try editing config.sys and see where it goes I could use a few more coasters having a party next month!!! Watch this space and thanks to all for the help.
Answer #20
X <- my fingers crossed for luck
Answer #21
[quote=”anoninspain”]edwoodweb replied: try "Universal Extractor" to get the files out of "ROM.IMG""
did you get
edit "config.sys" and replace a:\ with D:\ (or whatever LETTER your CD drive boots to with the 95 CD)
create a bootable ISO with UltraISO and burn as an image
boot from it and update your BIOS
That is the file list I have Ultra extracted them for me and I resaved to another folder. Will try editing config.sys and see where it goes I could use a few more coasters having a party next month!!! Watch this space and thanks to all for the help.[/quote/]
Answer #22
Still stuck!! Extracted files as per above. Tried to make bootable CD with Ultra but seem unable to find correct command. Then tried Lionden’s Win ISO dragged newly created BIOS files with reworded config.sys and Burn CD/DVD image command in Ultra. I got a CD that in Win 7 view files showed that the files I wanted had copied to the CD. However when I then tried this disc in the XP laptop I want to flash BIOS with it simply opened a Win 95 prog with the old DOS commands etc. Tried to change to CD drive from command prompt but got invalid drive again. ANOTHER COASTER shame I have no RW CD’s!!
Answer #23
SOLVED.. Gave up did a trawl of US HP site and found a Winphlash version. Running at the moment so fingers crossed or a new BIOS chip!!


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