Connect computer to tv..

August 23rd, 2013

Hey guys Im having trouble to connect my dads pc to the LCD screen at our living room. We connected the cable and I managed to display my computer’s creen on the LCD… BUT! When I connect the cable it seem to display my desktop but in a different way. When I move the cursor it disappears on the side, and I can’t see the taskbar and the start button… nothing. when i disconnect the HDMI from the PC it brings back up the reguler screen that I saw on the TV.
Somthing is screwed and I dont think I explained myself very well.
So I’ll try again. What i see on my PC while the HDMI is connected to the TV, isn’t the same things.

Answer #1
What Graphics card are you using?
Answer #2
I fixed it. Now I can’t play sound on the TV screen. Only through speakers on the PC… damn! any ideas?
Answer #3
Go into Control Panel > Sound… and make the HDMI device the default device for playback..
Answer #4
I can’t see the HDMI device
Answer #5
Open up device manager (Winkey+R>devmgmt.msc),Expand Sound,video and game controllers and provide
a screenshot.
Answer #6
http://i40.~ Disallowed image host. Please Report. ~/24evprd.png
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Link(s) coded. -digztytwo
Answer #7
I guess your card just doesn’t support HDMI audio,You’ll have to use another cable for it,Can’t be specific
at the moment as I don’t have all the info,I’d need the model of your TV and a screenshot from speecy:
Answer #8
Connect to the card via spdif. to have sound run into the card and out via hdmi.
What model graphics card is it you are using?
Answer #9
how do I connect to the SPDIF?
Answer #10
you know most stereos/Tvs have a 3.5mm audio In port now days Just use a 3.5mm to 3.5mm Male connector plug it into your headphone jack and plug it into you stereo or your tv you should have sound
its the way i have sound thru my tv
Answer #11
Can’t the TV and the computer are like 8 meters apart…
Answer #12
Your clearly confused,He was referring to the connector type,Not distance!
Anyways,I really can’t advise on the best way to go without the information I asked for.
Answer #13
Ive just found a SPDIF cable and connected it from my GPU to the mother board. I tried the one the sais SPDIF and the third one (I have only three). Didn’t work, now ill connect to 1 and 2. hopefully it will work.
Answer #14
Still doesn’t work. Though I did make some progress. I started making noises. Still it seems I can’t set the SPDIF as default. Not that its even recognized!
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Thanks. -digztytwo
Answer #15
Made it work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YESSSSSS I connected the pins to 2 and 3. instead of 1 and 3 or 1 and 2…
Please don’t double post, use the edit button instead. If you are unclear as to when double posting is okay and when it isn’t, please PM me.
Thanks. -digztytwo


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