Chipping the Wii

August 7th, 2016

Hey, I was thinking recently about all those games for the Wii I’m yet to play, and I’ve decided I may get it chipped. Things is, I’m a complete noob with all that. I mean, I chipped my own DS to work with a supercard back in the day, but soldering and all of that? Not my cup of tea.
I was wondering if anyone was I position and chose to get it chipped? Like if I should do it or not? If so, are there any tutorials for beginners or something? I would most likely send it off to someone for the soldering bit, but I mean, I don’t know, It’s not my thing. Can someone try to push me into the right direction?
I currently live in the UK. Thanks.

Answer #1
Oh, my Wii is also a launch version, if that changes anything. :S
Answer #2
MAybe that will help, otherwise use google to search
Answer #3
Check ya PM i have sent you details of a great pair of guys , reccommed to loads and all very happy..
Answer #4
I already have about6 games on my Wii. If I do get it modded, would the new games work with my old saves?
edit: And whats the best modchip?


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