changing to vista.

August 8th, 2016

ok i have xp which is a cracked version and i have vista home premium original.
i would really like to avoid formatting my pc but i rlly need to switch to vista coz i want direct x 10.
do i have to format or do i just insert cd and install? what will change? will i lose savegames or sumtings? will some games stop functioning? what do i need to backup? and will i have to redo my network conection? will i lose mozilla favs and stuff? please help

Answer #1
I think that you need to format your HDD, and I suggest you to instal WIndows 7 RC1 is much better than Vista. If you format your HDD you will lose all your stuf, so you better make backup, or move on another partition!
Answer #2
i dunno about windows 7 man…i have vista original so i guess ill go with it for now… is there anyway i can just install? i dont want to format or use the external. got too much saves and bs
dunno windows 7 sounds pointless to me as much as vista does….i jst need dx10 for assasins creed and crysis and all
Answer #3
You can surf around and you’ll see that WIndows 7 is MUCH MUCH MUCH better than Vista but its your call… Im just giving you some opinions…
I dont know can you upgrade from XP to Vista, I think that maybe you can but your drivers wont work cuz you need for Vista drivers, and I think that programs wont work to.. So I dont know.. I know that you can make dual boot, or fresh instal…
Answer #4
how sad. i have to format
Answer #5
You can install it without formating. Format empties the whole drive. But you can just choose to “Leave partition intact” or something like that, then it will install into a folder on the existing partition.
But you will have to install all games and apps again in Vista anyway.
Answer #6
Do you have to upgrade or retail version? Upgrade version can be used to upgrade from xp to vista and all files should be safe, retail needs a full new instal.
But installing a new OS is THE opportunity to get lost of some of those files you never use, images you saved years ago, some old windows ISO files, … just a fresh start.
Answer #7
ok so ill backup game saves somewhere.. and other things dont really matter ill just burn all the isos and animes to dvds the rest can go to hell.. but now i dont know if i should use vista or windows 7…which one is the best for gaming???
Answer #8
Use windows vista, you’ve got a legit key, so no use into using windows 7, there aren’t any official drivers for windows 7 for graphics cards, etc. So game results won’t be as good as on vista
Answer #9
i guess ur right…is it ok with vista home premium or is it better if i get vista ultimate? i want the best gaming performance out of this pc…specs are in my sig
Answer #10
Windows Vista Ultimate can be slower when it comes to games because they more services running Windows Home Basic has less services running so this may help you when playing a game
I don’t think though that you will notice the difference
Answer #11
i dont kno i just tought that since its a more 1337 version of vista it would perform better and be updated and all but the again i dnt think it matters…
will i have to manually download all drivers and all for my gfx? sry abt all the questions but i dont wanna mess this up since prototype comes out soon
Answer #12
Ultimate is NOT 1337, it’s just packed with all kinds of M$ extras. Home Basic does everything you need for DX10 games, without all the bloat of Ultimate.
Answer #13
so home premium legit it is. thx alot everyone and wish me luck


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