Car info about a 1.6L needed

August 18th, 2013

Hey, I’m planing to drive approximately 3000 kilometers (1850 miles), visiting several countries in Europe next summer.
I have 1.6L car from 2004, and I don’t know much about cars, so I was wondering if you guys had any tips or advices.
Things I know so far:
Before leaving:

    Check: hoses, brakes, exhaust, suspension, anti-freeze and trans fluid.
    Make sure that important papers are still valid and in the car.
    Get spare fuses, oil can, water, fan belt, wipers.
    Make sure all lights are working, and keep spare ones in the car.
    Change oil filter and oil.
    Get new summer tires.
    Check tire depths, check pressure. Make sure spare tire(s) are also alright
    Make sure all necessary tools are in the car.

While on the road:

    Keep eye on oil level and tire pressure

Answer #1
Spare fuses, keep checking the depth of the tread on the tyres – and spare (if you get pulled by the police that is one of the first things they check).
If you are in the UK, check your MOT and Road Tax, also Insurance, are not going to expire whilst you are away in Europe, they must be up to date.
I’d take a spare can of oil just incase, and some water (for topping up the rad etc).
An extra fan belt (if needed) just incase.
You may also want to get a spare set of wipers (just incase)
if I think of anything else, I’ll edit it into this post.
Hope that’s been of some help anyway
Obviously make sure you have enough tools to do minor things, like a jack to change a tyre.
Answer #2
Answer #3
have a safety inspection done wouldn’t hurt
is the trans fluid / anti freeze due to be changed
just a few thoughts before you hit the road
Answer #4
I think you and the other posts have pretty much covered it. Most people will have a “feel” for the reliability of the car they own, and that should give you the confidence to go for it. Personally I would’nt bother with taking too much in the way of spares. Cos you can buy most of it as and when. I normally just make sure I have breakdown cover from the AA or RAC.
The Meerkat has touched on it, is your paperwork all valid and up to date for the duration of the trip? Also don’t forget to check with your insurance company regarding the countries that you plan or may visit. Additional cover/paperwork may be needed, especially for some eastern european/balkan countries. Don’t know where your based, but certain countries will also require you to purchase a vignette if you plan to use their motorways. DO NOT FORGET THIS!! The fines for not having one can be BIG.
Just go, have fun, enjoy the people and places and if you see a big blue triumph tiger with uk plates it might be me…….
Answer #5
you’ve forgotten
the fuel filter
the air filter
the radiator water/ fluid
you should have spares of all of these, as well
good luck with your trip, hope you have a happy new year


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