Can anybody remember this movie

January 20th, 2020

I downloaded this movie and burned it to a DVD then lost it so I dont remember the name. It starts off with a woman and her daughter I believe in Italy and then when the mom is driving the car she and the daughter get into a horrible accident. Thats as far as I got but am sure it involves a witch and what looks like a tooth fairy. It is a recent release and rated R it is NOT the 2006 movie called the tooth fairy and it is NOT the one with the rock.
If anybody could supply the title I would appreciate it,

Answer #1
would it be Premonition (2007)
Answer #2
would it be Premonition (2007)
Doesn’t read right:
The middle-class couple Linda Hanson and Jim Hanson lives a wasted and routine relationship with their two daughters in their comfortable house in the suburbs. On a Thursday morning, the local sheriff visits Linda and tells her that her husband died in a car accident on the previous day. On the next morning, when Linda awakes, she finds Jim safe and sound at home. When she awakes on the next morning, she realizes that her days are out of order, but her family and friends believe she is insane.

What about “The haunting of helena”? – Italy, mother + daughter, toothfary, horror, evil spirits.. it fits..
Answer #3
Thank you both for your help.
it IS the haunting of helena. Thank you so much. In addition I, too, am the proud owner of a Siamese cat.
Answer #4
Glad to have helped..
I’ll tell Casey not to bite you – he’s a Birman – just kidding..
Answer #5
AHHH…he looked like a Siamese to me but thats a compliment because our siamese runs the house…you may gave him my apology.
Answer #6
AHHH...he looked like a Siamese to me but thats a compliment because our siamese runs the may gave him my apology.
He accepts it.. because he runs our house..
There is no greater sense of calm and peace than hearing a purring cat.


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