Blu-ray Help.

January 26th, 2020

Ok I have a playstation 3 and recently bought a LCD Full HD 1080p my question are this ones.
1. What is the format of blu-ray movies?
2. What format do I need them to be so I can see them through a USB and play them in my Playstation 3?
3. Do I need some softwares, and If I need which ones?
4. If I download a blu-ray movie from here would I only need a convertor so I stream them on my ps3?
Thanks in advance,

Answer #1
1) mkv
2) DVD?
3) mkv to DVD converter
4) probably
Sorry, I don’t have PS3, so I don’t know which formats it can play.
Try Googling for this information.
*EDIT* By converting mkv to DVD, you’ll loose it’s quality.
Answer #2
Depends if its bought M2TS if its been riped by an incompetent fool MKV, That can be easily fixsed by Muxing > MP4/M2TS with MKV2Vob
And no this wont affect quality as MKV is a rubbish standardless container which adds nothing bar unnecessary incompatibility.
Answer #3
Yeah HTC is correct MKV is not a bluray format its just the most common one used when a bluray is ripped and compressed. But I think you were talking about the rips you get on sites anyway so mkv is what youll find. You can just use the WDTV to watch any HD mkv movies youve downloaded right on your HDTV.
Answer #4
Thanks I get it now.
Those mkv files are blu-ray rips right…so this rips are better then DVD-Rips?
Answer #5
Answer #6
Those mkv files are blu-ray rips this rips are better then DVD-Rips?
Yes, of course
Answer #7
Ohh ok thanks


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