Best compression method/application?

August 7th, 2016

What is the best and most reliable compression method to use if I want to shrink a large file into a compressed file much smaller? What I am trying to do here is get a 5500MB folder down to just below DVD+R size, is that possible?
Answer #1
Depends what you want to compress and what you want to do with it afterwards.
Answer #2
normally the size of dvd-r is around 4300 MB that make 4.3 gb
and the file u r trying to write is of 5500 that is 5.5 gb……
so u wanna cut 1.2 gb
try winrar using this combination as shown in the pic:
btw it would be better it u can tell what sort of files u intend to write
Answer #3
The folder contains an ISO with some extra small crack files which I am intending to try fit onto one DVD+R. , I have already tried the “Best” compression method with WinRAR and it took me down to around 4700mb, I think all it would do if I split the volume would be split it into two parts with only the larger part able to fit onto a single DVD. So I am guessing it is not possible?
Answer #4
winrar is quite good at compressing, and comparatively i don’t know the details of who’s got better compression, but have you given winUHA a go?
Answer #5
Nope, will give it a go, thanks. What is it’s average compression ratio?
Answer #6
why dont u try single-sided double-layer DVD-r its capacity is around 8.54 GB as u told above that it has compressed upto 4700 mb
so now u must be able to write since the single-sided single-layer DVD-R has exactly the capacity of 4.7 GB
Answer #7
The real capacity is actually around 4.38gb And I do not have any Dual Layer discs. Thanks for the help anyway.
Answer #8
sorry, like i said i dnt know the details, i installed winuha when some random files i got were uha compressed, try it, its a light program and trusted.
Answer #9
Answer #10
dont you need a special double layer disc compatible dvd burner to burn both layers? correct me if im wrong.
Answer #11
dont you need a special double layer disc compatible dvd burner to burn both layers? correct me if im wrong.
Yeah, you need a special dual layer burner to burn dual layer disks


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