Battlefield 2 // Router Problems

February 5th, 2017

Hi All,
I got BF2 from someone but i cant play online….
i dont see any servers…..
he told me to check portforward and that site is saying the following:
The CMP-ROUTER10 will not allow you to forward enough ports, to run Battlefield 2. You should try using the DMZ portion of this router if it is available. Alternatively you can try switching the router to bridged mode. You will need to contact your ISP to switch to bridged mode, so they can make the required changed on their end. can somebody tell me what to do ?

Answer #1
If you went to portforward and chose your router model, then you can’t do anything as your router won’t allow it.
Answer #2
If you went to portforward and chose your router model, then you can't do anything as your router won't allow it.
Thats why i wanna know how i can fix that problem!
Somebody knows what i must do….??


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