Avira Antivir Personal – i Can’t update.

August 5th, 2016

hi i can’t update my avira..
ahm. is the COMODO firewall have to do with this?
because i noticed when i install my comodo, i can’t install yahoo messenger, and then i can’t update my avira..
now, i uninstalled and COMODO, and re-installed my AVIRA..
still i can’t update..

Answer #1
I had problem with Avira not updating for a whole week, turned out it was due to server issues on their part. Comodo Firewall will ask you about Avira trying to access internet if you block it then it wont update. If you properly uninstalled Comodo then nothing should be blocking Avira. You will have to give it at least one day before you know its just you or actually their server.
Install Malwarebytes and SuperAntiSPyware those are good programs that everyone should have. Perhaps do scan with them to make sure you are not infected.
Answer #2
i have superantispyware.. ahm, i uninstalled the COMODO already.. but still my avira didn’t update.
Answer #3
Avira personal is very slow with updates.. Try avira premium? It also have no firewall just a little spy/malwareprotection, so its fully compatible with comodo etc..


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