AV Receiver – Yamaha RXV-365 Help – no video through HDMI

August 5th, 2016

Well, I got this as a christmas present and everything is great except there is no video coming out of the HDMI into my monitor, i’ve tried multiple cables to no avail, I’m yet to try moving it downstairs to see if it is the thing or not. I mean I can connect my 360 etc to my monitor directly but would be much simpler if I could get it to run through the receiver as planned and I’m worried/annoyed that I’ll have to take it back.
I’m really really hoping i’m being thick but I don’t know what to do so any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Also posted this on a AV forum but decided to post it here anyway to see if you guys could help. Worth a try .

Answer #1
Hdmi controller/switch IC on the digital board is s shorted out. this IC has to be replaced by a Yamaha authorized service. Nothing to do except but return back or repair.
Answer #2
Why not just bypass the receiver for the video, since the only actual use I have found for the home theater is the sound manipulation. I have my computer hdmi out sent directly to the tv. same for the br player etc. the computer optical sound out is sent to the receiver. I would have a clue if the video works on the receiver since I have no use for it. if there is a benefit please improve my education.
I just looked at the date on the post, never mind.


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