Audio sounds.. weird

February 1st, 2020

Since about half a day my audio went stupid. It sounds like it hangs for 10 milliseconds, but that every second. So every sound starts sounding really weird.
The other weird thing is that it doesn’t always do it. Sometimes it starts a video or a song and it plays normally, and then all of a sudden it starts acting up again.
And I don’t know what causing it It’s not just FF, it’s everything I tried so far. IE, Itunes, Limewire, VLC. It’s not because of my headphones either, when I turn on the boxes it stays the same.
Any help or suggestions?
Oh and I have Windows 7 if that makes any difference.

Answer #1
Uninstall audio drivers, and install new one!
Answer #2
How do I do that? And I’ve noticed it only happens when I’m loading something, for example a web page. If I only have Itunes open and nothing else, it has no trouble playing it.
Edit : Yeah it’s really only when loading. If I let a youtube video load fully it has no problems, if I start it while it isn’t completely loaded yet it sounds weird..


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