Anyone know who to get original XBOX EMU to work?
July 21st, 2017
I am trying to get the Xeon 1.0 and the Cxbxbut keep getting presented with problems?
The programs open but they do not want to run my desired game which is ESPN NFL2K5
Here is the problem I am presented with
I try to open the ESPN NFL2K5.iso in Xeon 1.0
(As shown Below) It appears to ask for a .xbe file type and no .iso option is optional
When I try to load the image file into Xeon 1.0it displays a error
(As shown Below) The game won’t launch.
Similar problems appear to be present using Cxbx-0.7.9
I try opening the iso image in Cxbx-0.7.9but now it does appears to recognize the image file from the same location I have my ESPN NFL2K5.isolocated.
(as shown below)
As you can see it also asks for a .xbe extension.
I’ve tried mounting the .iso as well as extracting the contents from the .iso file to my desktop to see if I can find a component to run it in these emulators.
But all my methods have failed.
I remember running these emu’s and it working on a older desktop (don’t remember the specs thou) for now it does not appear to want to work on my current rig setup.
My Specs if it helps
Windows 10 x64 Ultimate
I7 4790K
x2 Vapor-X R9 290x cards
try this free one…Xbox 360 Emulator Get it Here:
New Xbox 360 Emulator for PC version 4 has been released! Download our PCx360 Emulator here to enjoy all Xbox 360 games on PC . Over 350 supported games, stability, performance and support.
~just make sure to have the latest netframework-needed for this to work..#3.10: All links must be coded including, but not limited to:
E-mail addresses, passwords, IMDb links, Image Links, Links in Quotes, Homepage and information links and all internal links.
Link(s) coded. - Texas Homie
ive never had any luck with a xbox or 360 emulator.. only the original halo game and it was buggy. not to shift directions with you..but consider buying a original xbox. they are crazy cheap now. all you need is Tom Clancy’s stealth action redefined game (has to be original) and a xbox to usb adapter so you can plug a thumb drive into the xbox (few bucks on ebay).. its very easy and only takes a few mins.. I would be more than happy to show you how i have 2 modded original xboxs at my house… i went to the isozone and bought there account for 1 month ( 5$ USD) and i downloaded like 50 games in that month.. not bad for 5$ huh? dvd’s are so cheap now its totally worth it. original xboxs are one of my favorite consoles to mod beside the wii
try this free one...Xbox 360 Emulator Get it Here:
New Xbox 360 Emulator for PC version 4 has been released! Download our PCx360 Emulator here to enjoy all Xbox 360 games on PC . Over 350 supported games, stability, performance and support.
~just make sure to have the latest netframework-needed for this to work..[mod]#3.10: All links must be coded including, but not limited to:
E-mail addresses, passwords, IMDb links, Image Links, Links in Quotes, Homepage and information links and all internal links.
Link(s) coded. - Texas Homie[/mod]
Never heard of the project.
It must require a beast of a machine to run.