Any good card graphics

October 28th, 2013

i bought an ATI Radeon HD 5400, i went with the cost me around 60$ i must say it turns almost every game i insall but the performance is really bad with new games…is there any decent graphic card that is around 120$ that can run games smoothly ?
Answer #1
Make sure you have at least a 450W PSU.
Answer #2
560 Ti.
Answer #3
GTX 560 TI is pretty good but you’d need at least 450 Watts of Power Supply for it.
Answer #4
h4xor555 replied: 560 Ti.
MyGamerTV replied: GTX 560 TI is pretty good but you'd need at least 450 Watts of Power Supply for it.
I’d recommend it too, if it weren’t for the 220USD pricetag.
Answer #5
You can get a 6850 for ~$120 if you keep your eyes peeled for deals.
Answer #6
GTX 470 is what I have
Answer #7
I like my 6850 personally go on amazon its like 140 i think
Answer #8
IceQ Radeon 5670
Answer #9
Ask in the help desk.
Too many people in off topic will post without having a clue making it hard for you to pick out the good advice from the dumb advice.
Also, what is your full system spec including PSU?
And what resolution do you use?
Answer #10
Answer #11
prozac4312 replied: You can get a 6850 for ~$120 if you keep your eyes peeled for deals.
I would recommend no less than the GTX 460. ATI is ok, but nVidia is much better.
CUDA > Steam
560 is good, 560 Ti is better.
Answer #12
I would recommend no less than the GTX 460. ATI is ok, but nVidia is much better. You’re alright but I’m much better.
Me > You
Nvidia = AMD
Brand loyalty is stupid.
Answer #13
Careful, if you were to upgrade to any modern card such as the GTX 460, please be wary of the rest of your system specifications. A fast GPU installed into a PC with a slow CPU could result in a bottleneck which wil potentially make your whole system even slower than what it was with the older card.


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