Advice/Am I in the right place?

August 5th, 2016

Alright. So I’ve been giving a lot of thought to computers. What they are, what they are made of, how they work, how the OS of a computer works, how programs work, etc. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. I’ve met a handful of computer nerds. I’ve yet to find one that I’ve crossed paths with, however, that are actually NORMAL, lol. Meaning, they are literally the depiction of what that South Park episode satires; the one with WoW. (Yes, the fact that I know what that acronym stands for leaves me unsettled.) Not to my surprise, they’re completely miserable and depressed, yet aggrandize themselves for knowing more than you do about computers. (Note: This isn’t about just one person in particular; it’s actually several people.)
The point I’m trying to make is that there are two types of intellectual people: “Esoteric” f**kwads who do nothing but localize their feelings around the center of what is their universe. Then, there are those who actually enjoy teaching others within their areas of excellence. I am seeking the latter, and avoiding the antecedent. The thing is, I’m not stupid. I’ve rooted a Motorola Droid, even though the forum told me “if you know nothing about computers, then do not try this, because you’re more than likely to fail.” That comment was basically reiterated by countless other scoffers. Subsequently, I watched a dude on YouTube show me how to do it, and I did it with relative ease. You just have to push the right buttons and enter the right codes in the Emulator. You don’t even have to know what those codes mean, for christ sake. (I mean for all I know, I could have been turning myself into the FBI…?) After that hurdle, I went on to the next hurdle: Installing Windows 7 via uTorrent. Had very few issues there. Familiarized myself with p2p clients. blah blah blah blah blah!
Now I want to learn more. More, more, more, more, more. I want to be able to swiftly navigate through the web, through web forums, dual boot OSs, learn the components of hardware and software and firmware and shareware. What should I do? Where shall I go? And how can I avoid hurdles/@$$holes in the future? There’s a handful of us out there who just want to be nice (not the actual definition, which means something totally different) and don’t want to hack for the sake of polluting the web with malware, or just to simply put myself on a pedestal. Quite frankly, I at least inadvertently want to tell these multi-billion dollar tech corporations about how I really feel about their “intellectual property rights” and where I think they should shove them. :0) OK enough rambling. If anyone agrees, or wants to help me, or try to comprehend the gist of what I’m saying. Message me back with something. Feedback is feedback.

Answer #1
Look at gary mckinnon and that ufo story, if your going into that.
I would stay away from american computers if you are just doing this even for fun. Look what happened to him.
Answer #2
Learning “computers” nowadays is much more complicated than it sounds. You should find a field that you like and focus on that.
Answer #3
they are simply created by magic. like magnets. any more than that, there is this really cool site called google. it seems you can find anything there. all joking aside, anything you want to know about computers can and will be answered here, but you may be met with some disgust and sarcasm. what i find to be simple, other people assume they need a degree in computer science and physics to do. the only reason you dont know how to do something is because you havent learned how to do it yet.
Answer #4
How to avoid an @****le, when trying to get help. It’s impossible there will always be those people who think you are nothing, because they think they are better than you. However, Just remember you have a social life compared to them. HAHA, rude of me. I’d recommend google to be honest with you. Find out something you want to do and google it. If you want to do programming on the other hand, take a class learn the basics then create a program that you want to create. Only way to navigate through the forums swiftly is if you have been on it enough to know where everything is. If you know what you want use the advance search options and select the area that you know where it is at.
I’d suggest looking at the tutorial area of this forums. You might find something cool.
Answer #5
You ever heard of DIY learning?? Hands on experience, that’s how I got to know computers. Using the internet for information then installing and reinstalling the OS virtually hundreds of times over the years. Playing around with the OS, delving into it’s innards and finding out about this and that, installing software, using it, trying it out ………… and learning as I went along.
Get an old compuer and take it to bits, see what’s what inside and learn from it.
I started knowing nothing and now I can build a computer from scratch, so you CAN do it yourself if you try hard enough and are prepared to put a bit of time into it.
DIY, hands on, learning from your mistakes and from the internet is the way to go ………….. and if you want to get in touch with someone who really knows his stuff here on try edwoodweb (hope you don’t mind ed ) cos he’s the best (I still don’t know why he hasn’t been given a customised nic for all he’s done on this board)
Answer #6
Quite frankly, I at least inadvertently want to tell these multi-billion dollar tech corporations about how I really feel about their "intellectual property rights" and where I think they should shove them. :0)
Linux. Put it on a spare computer (doesn’t matter how old depending on what distribution you put on) or dual boot it.
Basic commands (man man to start =D)
Installing applications from a package system (yum, aptitude. All depends on distribution/version of Linux).
Learn about X and how to install different desktop environments and tweak to your liking.
Compile programs from source.
Learn about shell scripting.
Compile your own kernel.
Build your own applications and learn how to program. AND/OR learn how to install deploy and maintain different server applications.
If you’re interested and like the way that’s all going keep continuing to learn, and you’ll be able to almost guarantee yourself a job. Also don’t have any expectations, just work on one thing at a time.
Also sharpen your skills with searching Google/other sites. It can be a simple as copying and pasting an error into Google. Chances are someone else has encountered that error, asked about it and received a solution. You can deal with almost any issue this way, without relying on others directly.
Lastly don’t get in the habit of asking friends for help, being self sufficient is good, but it’s also good to get involved with a community that you can make a contribution to.


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