about SATA and flashing 360

August 5th, 2016

Ive been looking through a tutorial on this and theres something i dont get anything of. First. I read that i could find out which drive i had by looking after the wires on the front. I did that and it would seam i have a Hitachi since i cant see any wires. So now im trying to figure out if my motherboard can flash it. And i have two of those. One installed and one thats free. The free is a MSI K9N SLI-2F which has 5 SATA ports. But are those the right ones? The one i have installed i know not wats called. Cant get any name out of the programs that detects all that like AIDA32 and Belarc. But it also has sata since i have a HDD thats connected that way. But from the Tutorial it says this :
Hitachi 46 / 47 / 59
These �older version� Hitachi drives can be flashed with basically all SATA chipsets. It should work as long as the SATA supports ATAPI devices (optical drives). Another good thing about these drives is they are the only Xbox 360 drives that can be flashed with a SATA-to-USB adapter. The cheap generic one I bought on eBay worked fine. Hitachi 0078FK
These drives can be flashed by most SATA chipsets. Silicon Image SATA chipsets will NOT work; they corrupt the data and will give you an error. Attempting to flash this drive with a SIL chipset could brick your drive. Also, in rare cases, there are reports that VIA chipsets have problems with some version 78 drives. Personally, my VIA 8237 is iffy. I have to play with it for a while until I get it to read the drive. Shorter SATA cables seem to help with my setup. Many other chipsets should work fine.
Now i havent ripped my 360 apart yet cause i want to be sure i have all i need before going crazy.- But so yeah. . . how can i tell if its the RIGHT sata?

Answer #1
Answer #2
thx, but mostly the SATA CHIPSET im confused about. Says it has to be a specific type., So question was really how would i know if my sata chipset is the right one? But thx for the reply-.


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