a software to hide my ip. please help

September 17th, 2023

i have tried stff, and the only ones that work for me are hide my ip and hide the ip
the others are crap.
but they are sharewares, and have a lot of limitations. so does anyone have a key for the either, or a better software? thanks
ps: hide ip platinum sux!

Answer #1
You could try connecting to a tor network or using a Google proxy. They slow the connection down a bit but they work fine. Run a search in google for both of those and you’ll find some good info. You can also download a version of Firefox with the Tor net automatically enabled which is pretty handy. hope this helps, lemme know if you get stuck
Answer #2
Sorry, I should have said that these wont hide your IP but they will give you a different one which is just as good…
Answer #3
This is Hide My IP with the serial included, mate.
Answer #4
thats hid ip platinum, not hide my ip.
i basically need to do this to generate points is rs
cuz i can only generate 5 points per hour with one ip.
btw, does anyone have a better way to generate points?
yes, i have been uploading, have already uploaded over 6 gb of music videos!!!
Answer #5
Why dont you use a proxy ??
Answer #6
Okay then
Hide The IP?
Answer #7
heducation, proxy is good, but most have a lot of waiting time.
besides, if its a software, i can change ip by one click, which means i can set it up in macro recorder.
i tried that thread.
the serial no. provided there is banned.
Answer #8
lately iv been using a program called hotspot shield to watch videos on hulu as i live outside america. it would hide your ip
Answer #9
lemme chk that out
edit: din work


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