A problem with a LCD tv connected to a PC.

August 7th, 2016

Hi all.
I have a new LCD 37″ TV Sharp at my living room and recently I bought a Media Center pc and connected it directly to that LCD through hdmi cable.
When I use the PC with the LCD it works fine but when I turn off the TV and leave the PC on, the LCD cannot be turned back on until I disconnect it physically from the PC and connect it again. It’s like the pc won’t let it work. If I turn off the PC first and then the TV I have no problem turning on the TV again.
Anyone knows what’s the problem?

Answer #1
You mean your PC is stopping you from turning off your LCD?
Answer #2
it turns on but it black.
Answer #3
On your remote, you can change it from HDMI, AV1, AV2 ect ect. Find your analog or digital one from that. On my TV Remote the icon is a square with an arrow going into it, or just simply a “ANALOG” or “DIGITAL” button.
Answer #4
lappy going into sleep or hibernate mode ?
if so it may be having trouble re-discovering the correct resolution
try turning power saving options off
Answer #5
The PC doesnt let the LCD turn back on after it has been switched off with the PC working.
Answer #6
Does your PC’s video card have different output options ? (D-SUB, DVI, HDMI) ?
If so, then when losing the signal (that is when you turn off LCDTV), the video
card does not re-send/refresh the signal when turning your LCDTV back on. It just assumes the other output (DVI or DSUB) as default, unless you unplug and re-plug the cable


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