Is my graphics card fried? (solved)

November 29th, 2013

i put my gtx 260 card into my brothers computer
after closing the case and booting the machine smoke appears
After booting from the first time after the upgrade heard a crackle from the case like a cable went into the fan and stopped it but not sure if it was the graphics card or the fan at the bottom of the case that appeared to have cables right near it.
also after i opened the case and booted the fan on the graphics card wasn’t spinning .
i only moved two things to do this and i am wondering what could of caused the smoke
1. I moved the media connector which has the audio cables, hoping thats what caused the smoke as i dont want to lose the graphics card
2. Graphics card which i just put in that requires two cables for power
Smoke came from the machine twice, when i booted it but when i open the case and booting it on its side after removing the cover with an addition fan there was no smoke.
i am hoping the smoke came from either the large fan on the side of the CM Storm Sniper case i disconnected or the fan at the bottom on the case which had cables near it.
I also used the item below to connect to the device from one cable from the power supply unit to the two sockets in the graphics card
im hoping the smoke came from the standard fan and not from the graphics card, but the card’s fan itself is no spinning and gives no display.
i just need to know is it the fan, the media card, or the actual graphics card that gave of a large amount of smoke from the case.

Answer #1
Smell the components. Should be easy to figure out where it got burnt.
Answer #2
Its somewhat likely to be the power supply, what brand and model is it?
Answer #3
-paroxysM^ replied: Smell the components. Should be easy to figure out where it got burnt.
i tried that and the smell was everywhere, mostly near the graphics card and media card where the audio cables were, which i had t move up a socket to allow the graphics card to fit in.
Dragon Core replied: Its somewhat likely to be the power supply, what brand and model is it?
il get the details of it in the morning as right now everyones asleep.
when i booted it twice the smoke came out around everywhere but when it was on the side open i saw no smoke, im not sure why this is.
Answer #4
Mmmmm. Sounds to me Nadir it’s either the PSU or the Graphics card. If smoke was eveyerwhere those two were the only major components that could warrant the smoke being so diffused.
I suggest putting, and booting a basic standarised component bootup. ( only with HDD, then PSU, then Graphics card etc etc and so on…) Then you can have your diagnosis.
If you need any more help fee free to pm!
Answer #5
ollieollie replied: Mmmmm. Sounds to me Nadir it's either the PSU or the Graphics card. If smoke was eveyerwhere those two were the only major components that could warrant the smoke being so diffused.
I suggest putting, and booting a basic standarised component bootup. ( only with HDD, then PSU, then Graphics card etc etc and so on...) Then you can have your diagnosis.
If you need any more help fee free to pm!

thanks for the information,
i checked the power supply it is 750w so it should be able to take the graphics card required powered
so i guess the graphics card is busted,
when i booted the system i heard a crackling sound like one of the cables were going into a fan and then smoke appeared, so i guessed it went into the graphics cards fan and stopping it from working, i stopped the machine as soon as i heard the crackle getting loader and then smoke appeared.
smoke appeared twice after booting but not when i laid the case on its side. and when i booted it up again the cards fan wasn’t spinning.
just one question will the power supply work regardless of giving off smoke, because it gives of power otherwise my gtx 260 is dead
Answer #6
What power supply brand and model?
Years of service?
Personally my power supply is from Seasonic and it isn’t that cheap (it has gimmicks that work).
It should be one of the expensive stuff in your computer.
Answer #7
take the heatsink(s) off your card, and replace the fan with a new one. I got one from a old laptop fan i had lying around, and solder/connect it to your card. It should work, if not then the pins are fried.
Remember to replace the thermal paste too!
Is it POST’ing? I got no smoke from my case once but a burning smell, it was showing ‘cpu/chipset error’. i knew it was the mobo though, and i returned it even though it was my fault that it broke in the first place.
Answer #8
ok after examining the computer i find that one of the wires to the bottom fan has been spliced(the sheathing removed by the fan blade itself exposing the conductor) , i would guess by the fan itself, and somehow caused smoke after constantly hitting the high speed fan either way i tried it again to get my graphics card to work and the fans on tit started spinning again.
thanks to everyone that replied, i put duct tape over the exposed wires hopefully that would keep them from shocking against the case or anything.
i will now change the topic to solved, but thanks again for anyone who replied.
I’ll change the title if the issue reoccurs.


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