Can someone help please ?

August 6th, 2016

Hi Guys
My name is lee a.k.a Contra(psy trance) I have WD external hard drive with all my my music projects on it , yesterday i wanted to upload a cubase file and its syas that the file is invalid , anyway… i did chckdisk to the hard drive, and after that , when i was trying to accsess the files on the hard drive, part of my folders looks like unidentified files (small files) and when i was trying to click on it ,its not giving me anything , like the files (that was folders before) is a small (k”b) files….wierddd !!
now i’m lost ….and i have most of my music projects inside If someone have any idea and experience the same problem in the past , please give me a tip or something
Thanks, much appreciated !
Tsour Lee Adato

Answer #1
try giving it more power and on another computer
Answer #2
I did , still not working, thanks anywayss…..
Answer #3
Moving To Helpdesk ~ ~
Answer #4
Answer #5
Sadly I’ve had this happen TWICE before. I work in a recording studio and I lost an entire session in Protools on my audio harddrive. Does the HD happen to be a WD Mybook 500GB? Thats the type I had, and I tried doing a chckdisk as well, but no luck.
I had to start the whole session over from stratch .
Answer #6
yep , that’s the hard drive , sadly we can’t trust any hard drive today
Answer #7
I’ve started moving over to Glyph HDs, which are becoming the standard for Audio/Video production. They have an excellent warranty, if it breaks they overnight a new HD to you ;D . Now they are a bit expensive…but incredibly silent and very durable.
Answer #8
I guess i will get it , thanks boddy !


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