Problems with Adobe Master Suite Mac Install
January 30th, 2020
Did you use a activation script? you need to use the activation script and a serial..
If you still are in your trial period do this..
Open AppleScript Editor (should be located in Applications -> Utilities), paste this code, compile, and run.
on gestaltVersion_info(gestalt_code, string_length)
� �try
� � � tell application "Finder" to �
� � � � �copy my NumToHex((system attribute gestalt_code), �
� � � � � � string_length) to {a, b, c, d}
� � � set the numeric_version to {a, b, c, d} as string
� � � if a is "0" then set a to ""
� � � set the version_string to (a & b & "." & c & "." & d) as string
� � � return {numeric_version, version_string}
� �on error
� � � return {"", "unknown"}
� �end try
end gestaltVersion_info
on NumToHex(hexData, stringLength)
� �set hexString to {}
� �repeat with i from stringLength to 1 by -1
� � � set hexString to ((hexData mod 16) as string) & hexString
� � � set hexData to hexData div 16
� �end repeat
� �return (hexString as string)
end NumToHex
copy my gestaltVersion_info("sysv", 4) to {system_version, system_string}
if the system_version is less than "1050" then
� �
� �do shell script "/usr/bin/printf \"\\n# Block Adobe Activation\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n\" >> /etc/hosts" with administrator privileges
� �
else if the system_version is greater than "1050" then
� �
� �do shell script "/usr/bin/printf \"\\n# Block Adobe Activation\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n127.0.0.1\\\\n\" >> /etc/hosts; /usr/bin/dscacheutil -flushcache" with administrator privileges
� �
end if
Then use your serial
Hmm I tried entering this and it told me Syntax Error: Expected end of line but found unknown token.