how do people make their pictures like this

January 25th, 2020

here are some pics, i think ull get what im asking when u see them:
the pictures inside are actually people but i think theres a website or a program that makes pictures in this format for you, if you know anything about it please post
thanks in advance

Answer #1
try this
Answer #2
is this the only website? because i dont see all the effects
Answer #3
Damn..that girl is hot..
Answer #4

kyuubi92 wrote: Select all

Damn..that girl is hot..
hah indeed she is
Answer #5
it’s really easy to make in php, you need a background, then past the image on it then the cover (a png with alpha transparent parts)
Answer #6
why do ppl take pics of themself in the bathroom mirror?
seems pretty gay to me….