Why so many dvdscr’s right now?

August 7th, 2016

Just curious, why are there so many DVDSCR’S coming out right now?
Answer #1
There aint that many.
Answer #2
Maybe, more people have access to them.
Answer #3
Its Oscar Season, thats why. The screening sessions use DVDSCR’s.
Answer #4
The screening sessions use DVDSCR's.
all the oscar voters get screeners
Answer #5
The screening sessions use DVDSCR's.
all the oscar voters get screeners

Ohhh cool I see. So there’s oscar voters that are doing inside jobs for the scene lol, thats awesome
Answer #6
Yeah, or perhaps like a cleaner for an oscar member Bringing a laptop with him when he goes cleaning the house hehe.
Answer #7
Yeah all the shows that give out awards and stuff get dvd screeners to preview and vote for the best movie. Thats how A LOT of very good movies come out early, like slumdogs millionaire last year for one.


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