a bit of trouble with rapidshare

January 20th, 2020

Ok, I am having a bit of trouble with rapidshare atm, when I download some links, it doesnt alway download, despite me not hitting the 25gb download limit, I’m on AOL/Talk talk internet(Wireless connection) and no other PC is connected to it.
What annoys me the most is that sometimes it does work, like today I’m trying to download MGS3, and its downloaded most of it and now it has just stopped, and it looks like this:
I dont understand it, I’ve put www. before the rapishare bit in the links and that sometimes works, but it still happens to me
Any Ideas?

Answer #1
its because sometime the servers of RS are down, but it seems that all files are not downloading… may try downloading from IDM…
also Upload the Image to any other image hosting such as tinypic…
Answer #2
ah, I forgot to add, my mates all download at pretty much the same time(different accounts and internet connections) without the same problems
Answer #3
Click on the Log tab, next to the graph tab and see what the error says/ post a screenshot
Answer #4
Sat Dec 22 19:06:55 2007 Referer: http://~ Dead file host ~/files/18035011
Sat Dec 22 19:06:55 2007 User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.00; Windows 98)
Sat Dec 22 19:06:55 2007 Pragma: no-cache
Sat Dec 22 19:06:55 2007 Cache-Control: no-cache
Sat Dec 22 19:06:55 2007 Authorization: Basic MTkyMDg1ODo0SVZKMFBXRExU
Sat Dec 22 19:06:55 2007 Connection: close
Sat Dec 22 19:06:55 2007 Error occured!
Sat Dec 22 19:06:55 2007 Wait 3 second for retry
Sat Dec 22 19:06:58 2007 Error occured!
Answer #5
cONFIGURE Flashget exactly as in this tut
and in The RS options page turn on Direct downloads
Answer #6
yep, done that, I can download but sometimes flasget(and my browser)just stop downloading from rapidshare for some reason
Answer #7
Did you exceed the 25 or 20 gigs per 5 days limit?
Answer #8
no, I checked, only downloaded 7062mb
Answer #9
still causing me problems
Please, use the EDIT button instead of double posting!
Thanks ~ hecos

Answer #10
I Use IDM, Change my settings so that every rapidshare link, it had my username / password for my premium account, so when i copy the link, it auto downloads at full speed, When you download it, click more options (if its there) and make sure you have ur username and password there
Answer #11
yep, done that. still doing the same thing, this is really annoying, even my browsers wont download them now
Answer #12
Look let me suggest you some stuffs.
Download IDM and use the browser integration.
Start using firefox if you havent.
Update your firefox to the latest version. Recently i saw a plugin of it which integrates with idm automatically.
You can add your links and download easily. If you need more help like indepth, pm me ill help you.
Answer #13
nope, that still didnt sort it, wtf is wrong with it?
Answer #14
Get yourself a ~ Dead file host ~ premium i might share mine. Pm me for trades =] if u want
Answer #15
I’ve got one, had it for about a year, this has only happened to me recently
is it something to do with vista?
Answer #16
I can offer mine aswell, theres like 5-6 of us sharing atm, and no one is even using it.
If you have a collectors account the rapidshare ~love~ on FlashGet and IDM wont work.
Answer #17
nah, mines a bought account, I renew it every month(mainly for the bonus 1000 points)
Answer #18
cheaper to get a year
Answer #19
http://www.google.com?t=686580try these settings


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