Auto press enter problem

January 27th, 2020

i ve got a strange problem here
my enter key gets pressed automatically and it doesnt stop until i press some other key
if i press backspace or delete then it doesnt stop
it surely stops when i press ‘esc’ or’~’ key
first i thought its an hardware problem
but now i ve removed the enter key itself from the keyboard
but still the same
i searched google but in vain!
has neone faced this kinda stuff?
i dunno wat to do!
this doesnt happen all the time [obviously, otherwise i wouldnt have been able to type this ]
but it happens every now n then [like once or twice every half hour]
is this some kind of stupid virus or something?

Answer #1
Have you tried another keyboard? What happens if you unplug the keyboard and let it sit on a page?
Answer #2
no i havent tried another keyboard!
but i did open this one to see if there was any problem
i replaced the rubber button[dunno wat they are called] under the enter key [i swapped the button of ‘q’ with that of ‘enter’]
but still the same!
i havent tried to unplug!
will try and tell when the prob occurs again
Answer #3
Well try another one, that should be the first thing you do. Don’t go ripping into that one based on assumptions. If a different keyboard does the same thing then it has to something other than the keyboard.
Answer #4
ya k got it! thanks @
will try to get one soon [from some friend ]
till then ne other suggestions are requested
EDIT : bought new keyboard! prob solved


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