Facebook block

January 23rd, 2020

A long time ago I added one guy to my blocklist on Facebook. But today I suddenly saw his comment on my friend’s status. His name is in black letters and I can’t click on it. Has this happened to anyone else here? What does this mean? Can he now access my profile even if I have blocked him?
Answer #1
No he can’t access your account if you blocked him, and why his name is all black because he’s on privacy no one can add/msg him.
Answer #2
it’s best if you delete him from your friends list rather than adding him to the block list or better yet ask your friend to delete this person from their list and you may have to explain to the your friend the reason for this……good luck
Answer #3
Blocking deletes the person from your freindlist. you can’t delete him if you blocked him. and don’t worry if he’s on your block list he can’t open your profile!
Answer #4
Ok, but I wonder why I see his comments now when they were previously hidden…?
Answer #5
Ok, but I wonder why I see his comments now when they were previously hidden...?
Facebook has recently upgraded its services by adding/modifying and even removing some of its features.
For instance, previously, you could easily edit your post(s) [By deleting it and creating another.] Unfortunately, this is no more possible.
Answer #6
He cannot access your profile, and the reason you can see is posts are because he has not blocked you. He may be deleted and blocked. But like any other nonfriend, you can still see there posts. They are just blacked out so you do not click is profile. And he will not be able to find you through search or click on your profile.
Answer #7
Thanks for info. I removed him from my block list and then added him back to there. Now his comments are hidden again.


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