Help Needed..webspace for rapidleech server

August 5th, 2016

I want to purchase a new domain and a new webspace for rapidleech server…
Where rapidleech is allowed.

I need your support for purchasing this…..
I promise, the only the contributors will use this service exclusively.
This script will leech from RS,MU,HF,UT,MV,Ziddu, and many more…….

I will post my paypal only if you are agreed to help.
Please support me….

Answer #1
Wrong topic mate.
Answer #2
wrong section mate.
Answer #3
Visit Rapidleech’s Official Forum, they have a section there for RL Hosts only,.
Answer #4
Moved from Off-Topic to Helpdesk.
Answer #5
indeed, check the rapidleech forum, there you’ll find a list from all hosts that you can use
Answer #6
No actually i want to purchase a very own webhosting, dedicated one. And my pocket-money is not enough for this….So please help me.
Answer #7
so what are you looking for then? You want a server for free or what? Like we said, the rapidleech forum has a ton of links to servers where you can host it
Answer #8
I think the OP wants money in order to pay for his own webhosting etc.


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