Phenom II stock cooler too loud

August 28th, 2013

I bought a Phenom II X6 1055T a couple of months ago, and it has become unbearably loud. Its okay first few hours after i turn my pc on, but after that it just revs up even when browsing and it only slows down if it is idle for like 2 hours. So i was thinking about lowering the speed with SpeedFan so can you tell me what temperature is acceptable for this processor. Do you think i will gain anything with doing that or i am better of with buying a new fan. If so, what would you recommend Scythe Katana 3 Type I or Cooler Master Hyper TX3. Oh, and the motherboard is Asus M4A88T-M
Answer #1
would be easier buying a new fan. i avoided the stock phenom cooler like a plague.
i you want a cheap and cheerful one buy the Coolermaster Hyper 212
its only about £20
Answer #2
Thank you for the reply, i was considering Hyper 212, but i want to know if it is complicated to mount that fan on my processor, because i plan on doing it myself, cuz i dont want to deal with taking my pc to the store lol
Answer #3
its faily simple, plus the cooler comes with instructions !
just make sure your case is big enough for the fan to fit
Answer #4
Kageoshi replied: I bought a Phenom II X6 1055T a couple of months ago, and it has become unbearably loud. Its okay first few hours after i turn my pc on, but after that it just revs up even when browsing and it only slows down if it is idle for like 2 hours. So i was thinking about lowering the speed with SpeedFan so can you tell me what temperature is acceptable for this processor. Do you think i will gain anything with doing that or i am better of with buying a new fan. If so, what would you recommend Scythe Katana 3 Type I or Cooler Master Hyper TX3. Oh, and the motherboard is Asus M4A88T-M
So you know the maximum operating temperature is 62 (°C). For the AMD Phenom II X6 1055T processor. Also unless you use the heatsink that came with the processor. You will void any warranty that the processor has if any. Unless you don’t care about the warranty of course.
Since you never posted what kind of PC case you are using. Make sure your PC case has enough air flow to help keep everything cool.
Answer #5
Ste#. replied: its faily simple, plus the cooler comes with instructions !
just make sure your case is big enough for the fan to fit

Which is just more confusing.
@OP Just make a search about Hyper 212 Installation video, and you will get tons of results.
Answer #6
does ur processor has that “cool and quite” option in the bios?
Answer #7
Aftab Ali replied: Ste#. replied: its faily simple, plus the cooler comes with instructions !
just make sure your case is big enough for the fan to fit

Which is just more confusing.
@OP Just make a search about Hyper 212 Installation video, and you will get tons of results.

nah not really. i figured it out quite easy.
Answer #8
I dont know how to quote so ill just do it like this lol
@Ste#. – Thank you very much im 99% sure ill buy Hyper 212
@2kbandit – i dont care about warranty, and im using Thermaltake V4 so im pretty sure it is okay for new cooler
@Aftab Ali – thanx, i did that and i found hundreds of tuts
@constantine. – im not sure, i will look for it
So today i decided to open my case and see if there is some other problem that makes my vent rev like Boeing 747, and guess what i found, a thick firm layer of dust that completely encased metal fins of the heat-sink, so i had to clean it for half an hour to get all of it out. now it is pretty silent even when i am playing games, so i feel like i was reborn, i can enjoy my pc again. but i am going to buy new cooler anyway and i think i will buy Hyper 212. So if anybody has a fan that is loud for no apparent reason, open your case and look for dust im sure you will find some lol, no seriously clean it and you will see great improvement
Answer #9
remember to check if your case has enough room.


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