Serious Pc Problem

August 2nd, 2013

well friends,
i was having trouble with my hard drive so i decided to change it. when ive change the hard drive and doing a clean format this time, after the post, my pc takes lots of time to read from the xp cd and it takes a whole while.
can anyone guide me troubleshooting this pc.
note: its a dell dimension 4600
thanks and warm regards

Answer #1
Try installing with a Pendrive. Also you can use the Hard-disk itself to install XP.
Answer #2
Try upgrading your bios or upgrading the firmware of your optical drive, besides you can try to download and burn any of the live linux cds like puppy linux or ubunto or likewise and try booting from it, if the fail keeps on then ist your drive fault otherwise Ill think its the medium you use (DVD,CD)
good luck!
Answer #3
it sounds like it’s a problem with your drive.
I would be doing what isamu said,
otherwise just buy yourself a new optical drive, they are reasonably cheap
and are one of the most finicky pieces of equipment in a computer.
Answer #4
my pc takes lots of time to read from the xp cd
do you see the “press any key ……..” msg ?
it read faster if you disconnect the hard drive ?
Answer #5
thanks guys bt the problem was with the other Hard Disk itself.
i really appreciate your help


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