August 6th, 2016

Hi guys
i have a hyper-V 2012R2 with 3 NIC of Gigabit,
i want to NIC TEAM the 3 NICS into one, and create two switches one for the management and one for the VM.
can someone please put me on the right direction ?
thank you

Answer #1
I did this for a Hyper-V cluster recently. What do you want to know specifically? Just how to create a team, or are you looking for guidance on how you should set it up? Read this: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh831648.aspx
Answer #2
i have 3 NICs and want to NICteam them, create a Vswitch for Mngt and one for VMS.
any guidance how to do this ?


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