Looking for a wireless antenna

August 13th, 2013

Hello guys, i need a wireless antenna so that i can get internet from other houses (if there is an open network). I searched ebay but i dont know which one to buy. Can you recommend me a good one? What properties does it need to have? Thanks
Answer #1
You want to steal neighbors internet?!
Answer #2
No i need to get wireless antenna from open networks (cafes etc)
Answer #3
adtrackz replied: No i need to get wireless antenna from open networks (cafes etc)
Stealing in short… Sorry, won’t help you!
Answer #4
Using a laptop or a desktop (you need to be strong to carry this about though, lol) ? You need a wireless card/adapter first.
If the hotspots are not open (encrypted) then you won’t get any help here, most cafes and pubs with wi-fi are encrypted – so that you spend money to get the login.
@wo_Ot? – here in the UK there are plenty of free open hotspots from providers like BT or local councils no idea where the OP is though.


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