At the crossroads of iTunes, iCloud and Jailbreaking the iPad mini 2

January 22nd, 2020

Hi Help Deskers Since i last wrote about the same iPad Mini 2 , 2 months ago
I have made alot of progress in functionality, understanding the iOS system and touch pad system.
The iPad really is an incredible tool and not so much a toy as i originally thought. Having only ever used Windows towers PC’s the learning curve was quite a shock. I have been reading which has helped a lot, but at the crossroads now and need to get over the next challenge before i move on. Also of note before i ask questions is, i liked the concept of the iPad and portable internet i bought a cheap Android tablet PC as well, i find it slower but able to use to put music/videos media on with ease using a SD chip.
1) The iTunes dilemma: I did as the Apple store helper said and got iTunes for Windows, but found it just offers the same crap, buy your music from the iTunes store than somehow it finds itself in place on the iPad Mini, where i guess i could access it at will. I really want to by-pass the iTunes non-sense and put music that is not offered at iTunes , and for free. When i tried to sinc up the iTunes on my Win. PC it seemed to log anything it found on my PC that i guess came from the iTunes store at some point. The question is, is now the time to jailbreak it, to add a few cd’s and videos from my PC?
2) The iCloud dilemma : From what i understand, the reason why this iPad Mini 2 only has 11Gbs is because Apple wants everybody to send their files to the iCloud service where it is stored offline until i want to hear/see the media. Can i send shared files , not from iTunes to his iCloud account so we can retrieve them from there? Or can i only send Apple approved and paid for music/videos to the iCloud? 3) Jailbreaking the iPad: I am sure could find a tutorial on how to do this, if needed. But i wonder if there is a easier or better way to put media on the iPad without having to do this. I spend allot of time trying to figure out what sort of anti-virus or security system would work the best for free, but choice none because according to Apple their systems don’t require this level of protection cause their system doesn’t have cracks in it like a Windows PC. Unless you Jailbreak it, than i would require a security program. If i do this, what free system would be adequate with a jailbroken iPad?>
Thank You

Answer #1
1)Yes, you totally can add whatever you want. Jailbreak gives you total freedom of your idevice.
2)You can send some type of files but I shouldn’t use it for contents not approved by apple in large quantities
3)Sadly you can’t do what you want with the Ipad because you are behind the apple jail, so the only way to listen to your music is through youtube or jailbreak.
Answer #2
Thank You for the reply …
What i think would work is, jailbreak the iPad, get some underground music, send it to the iCloud. Than i can access it from there on the iPhone. After that, if it works ok. I can un jailbreak the iPad
Answer #3
You can’t send your music to iCloud by jailbreaking or anything, the only way to have access to your music ‘in the cloud’ (iCloud) is by buying iTunes Match.
You can import downloaded mp3s into the iTunes software (on your PC) and just sync your iPhone (without jailbreaking)…unless you’re wanting to stream your music? (in which case you’ll need to buy iTunes Match or use a streaming service like Spotify)
The music you probably saw in your iTunes library was possibly all the music iTunes could find on your computer, you can still drag and drop mp3 files into your iTunes library to sync to you iPad
Answer #4
Thank you
When i d/l the itunes for windows, it kinda scared me a wee bit. I don’t believe i successfully sync’d the iPad to the PC. Or didn’t understand the several pages of the book outlining the process. According to you i can transfer them without jailbreaking. This is better solution and will work on this today instead of jailbreaking it.
I had no idea this was possible, until now. Glad i came here 1st. iCloud only slight idea what that is, but sounds like more weird Apple stuff.
Answer #5
No problem mate, if you have any more questions i’d be glad to help
Answer #6
Well Help Deskers, this problem has been solved now.
In the end i wasn’t able to figure out the process of moving the files, and called Apple helpline. They got me through the 1st phase. I kept thinking the device and the iTunes program had sync up in order for the transfer to happen. This is incorrect, the sync’ing comes latter when you actually select the files/folders than try to move them. Even than its still wonky with the file format. MP3 and MP4 ‘s seem to be the only types of file extensions it would accept. It wouldn’t take the MKV movie and definitely it doesn’t like GIF’s . As well my advice to anybody reading this for advice is…once you move a picture to the ipad , it pby wont ever delete without moving it backwards using iTunes, so be careful what you put on your ipad/iphone .
Thanks to Alls for help:)


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