CPU Throttling help

August 5th, 2016

Hi all. I have a Lenovo Yoga 500. I have found that once the battery goes below 25%, according to task manager, the CPU throttles itself to 0.48GHz. As soon as I plug the charger back in, it returns to normal speeds. only happens when the laptop is running on battery and it is below 25%. Have changed all the power settings run at high performance. Any ideas how to stop the throttling?
Answer #1
even balanced setting should prevent it if the reason was windows power settings. so if you are sure that you set it performance and its settings were at default yet cpu still locks its cores ; there are 2 options left
1- most possible is ; there is a bios setting for it , thats where you should set it balanced or optimal since bios settings have authority over windows power settings.
2- less probable one is ; your laptop have some control center like software installed from lenovo to adjust these settings and much more ; thats where you should seek options.
Answer #2
I checked the bios and there are no settings in there for power management. Ive looked for power management software on the laptop and can’t find any. any I have found, i have set to run at high performance. Completely stumped with this!
Answer #3
if it was an oem hardware , i could be more specific but those laptops have different bios. lenovo yoga should be new and it should have uefi bios , most of uefi bios have power settings in somewhere. yoga500 have different versions with different cpus ; i3 , i5 and i7 dunno which one is yours but when battery is under %25 and you use your laptop for heavy task , it wont last long and may result with immediate shut down. maybe for this reason those settings are defined by default. if there is no other problem than it is annoying for you , i wouldnt worry about it too much.
you may get the exact answer to your question if you mail lenovo’s customer support or from a member who faced the problem and solved it.
Answer #4
Yes, i have the i5 version of the yoga 500. Found out something new. Seems to happen as soon as the battery hits 30%. If I then put the laptop into hibernation and restart it, the clock speed goes back to normal. Seems like when the battery hits 30% something triggers the throttling. No idea why the hibernation restart stops it.
Answer #5
there is no doubt something was doing this setting. according to what you have said , it just gets activated when you hit a milestone , %30 battery life in your case. so if it doesnt have continuous check mechanism , hibernation method works. i suggest re-investigating bios for an option like , disable or lock cores on low battery where corresponding number is %30.
there is an army of people here with same problem
edit : i read some of the posts on that topic so it is clear that problem is originated from bios. there should be settings for intel technologies on bios. 2 of them is directly related to your issue and most possibly will fix it.
first go to bios and set everything to default by hitting the set default shortcut which is F5 on most bios. then find Idle States or C-states which are both same and set it disabled.
then find Enhanced Intel SpeedStep Technology or shortly EIST ; disable it too. save those settings and restart pc to test it again. do not touch anything else than i told on bios or you may have bigger problems do these steps if you cant find a setting for disabling cores on low battery. if you find it , you dont need anything else.
lastly dont try solving your problem through windows , it is either related to bios or a lenovo software directly interacts with bios via uefi interface. so bios is where you should go in both cases , i have read a few things that bios is buggy which may cause that the problem persists even if you do everything right.
Answer #6
I dont seem to have any of these options in my BIOS. Below are pics of my Bios settings. Any ideas?

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Answer #7
EIST on the Lenovo looks like it’s called Lenovo Service Engine (LSE) just find that and disable it.
Answer #8
, can you please code those in img format not standard one so i can see it
that LSE seems like something else for collecting information and it has a security vulnerability so strongly recommended to remove from the system. after that superfish adware this should be the second mistake lenovo did. thats why i m strongly against buying prebuild systems with OS included.
Answer #9
I cant find that option to disable lenovo service bridge. Dont think I even have that installed on my laptop. Any other ideas?
Answer #10
I dont seem to have any of these options in my BIOS. Below are pics of my Bios settings. Any ideas?

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I wonder what ‘platform mode’ means? it says user interface. I honestly think there should be more settings in the bios. try changing it and seeing if there are any more settings you can travel to.


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