Hair loss: Where do I get Proscar (Finasteride) online?

March 27th, 2014

Just wondering: Where do I get Proscar (Finasteride) online without a prescription? Finastaride is one of the few things that actually helps when it comes to hair loss.
Google only offers Asian fake sites with placebos. I’m looking for some European online pharmacies.
Thanks for any help.

Answer #1
You can’t get a prescription medication online,Whatever you’ll find will surely be fake with who knows what in it,Just think about it
logically,It’d be illegal for the manufacturer to distribute em that way. Fortunately for you,My knowledge extends far beyond
PCs,You should get a B+C vitamin complex & Biotin,All off the counter and support hair growth & maintenance,Especially Biotin.
Answer #2
There are plenty of companies that ship world wide..Eg.
It should be prescribed and monitored.
Answer #3
Have you seen your Doctor to see if you have an underlying condition causing the hair loss ?
Answer #4
Yes, he also said that I inherited it from my father.
Answer #5
Downer replied: Yes, he also said that I inherited it from my father.
I take it that he won’t prescribe it then ?
You may just have to face up to the fact you are gonna go bald anyway.
*EDIT – I just checked at work (I work for the NHS in the UK) and you would have to take that for the rest of your life, here you need a private script and costs about £40 a month. An alternative you can buy at the chemist is Minoxidil lotion 5% (regaine) but obviously not as effective.


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