Dling movies on college campus

May 11th, 2014

so long story short i live in a semi rural area with dsl.
my local community college i go to has rediculously fast internet, (maxed out speedtest.net)
anyways i have a class in a computer lab, and were allowed to bring laptops.
i tested today and got 2.2 mb actual dl speed , but i know i could get much faster using the wired.
im thinking ill take the ethernet cable out of the comp & plug it into my laptop.
anyways what im wondering is if they will find out somehow ? (all the links are mu or fileserve so there is no uploading)
is it safer to do it over wifi / cable?

Answer #1
anyone ?-bump-
Answer #2
The_Zodiac replied: anyone ?-bump-
if you generate enough traffic they will track down you by mac address.
as long as you don’t abuse the hell out of it, but keep in mind, if you login with your laptop to anything school related they have you traced that way.
Answer #3
bb05 replied: The_Zodiac replied: anyone ?-bump-
if you generate enough traffic they will track down you by mac address.
as long as you don't abuse the hell out of it, but keep in mind, if you login with your laptop to anything school related they have you traced that way.

you dont have to log into anything just connect to it and it works
Answer #4
The_Zodiac replied: bb05 replied: The_Zodiac replied: anyone ?-bump-
if you generate enough traffic they will track down you by mac address.
as long as you don't abuse the hell out of it, but keep in mind, if you login with your laptop to anything school related they have you traced that way.

you dont have to log into anything just connect to it and it works

did the school asked you for your laptop information before you can connect to the internet? if it does i guess they will track it , so they will know what you are doing..
Answer #5
Stick to download form RS and whatnot and you should be fine as long as you aren’t downloading huge amounts each month.
Answer #6
7HarryPotter7 replied: The_Zodiac replied: bb05 replied: The_Zodiac replied: anyone ?-bump-
if you generate enough traffic they will track down you by mac address.
as long as you don't abuse the hell out of it, but keep in mind, if you login with your laptop to anything school related they have you traced that way.

you dont have to log into anything just connect to it and it works

did the school asked you for your laptop information before you can connect to the internet? if it does i guess they will track it , so they will know what you are doing..

nope it doesnt require any info, wireless or wired.
because its a community college and no one lives on campus im guessingthat they dont bother tracking usage.
im thinking ill dl like 3-5 gb per day (2 times a week) spread out over like 3 hours. shouldnt be too noticeable
Answer #7
my dilemma is this the wired internet is much faster (maxed out speed test) but it would probably be easier to find me
wifi would be slower but harder to figure out who was using it
Answer #8
It’s the other way round actually,Tracing a wired signal on a big place full of PCs with no user-specific login credentials and dynamic IP (DHCP) would be a very difficult task,Wireless would be easier because the signal is carried in the air and could be pinpointed to the exact source with the right tools & equipment,Set that aside,There are two things I’d like to point out:
1. Despite their internet being fast,You’ll only get good speeds from filehosts if you have a premium account and use a download
2. It’s possible that they block file hosts and if they do,A VPN will cost you some money (and may or may not slowdown the connection speed) Did you actually try to access the specific file hosts?
bb05 replied: if you generate enough traffic they will track down you by mac address.
Just to clarify on this,A mac address in general is not associated with a specific person so one cannot be traced by that
alone,If anything they’d have to lock down the place then check & compare the mac addresses off all PCs in place in order
to get a hit,This of course would be a major effort and they’re unlikely to go that far just for some used bandwidth.
bb05 replied: but keep in mind, if you login with your laptop to anything school related they have you traced that way.
Not only that,If they monitor the traffic or maintain website access logs,Pretty much anything that can be associated with his personal information (Such as Facebook) can be used against him.
Answer #9
If you dont have to enter any info like username and password to get onto the system. Download till your hearts content just dont get physically caught downloading as in a teacher or someone see’s you and you should be fine
Answer #10
use vpn to be sure noone will get any usefull info about ya lap & THEN YOU CAN DOWLOAD LIKE A SULTAN (USE premium trackers to steal other people’s traffic as campus network don’t cap band on user/mac)
Answer #11
Roberto400 replied: It's the other way round actually,Tracing a wired signal on a big place full of PCs with no user-specific login credentials and dynamic IP (DHCP) would be a very difficult task,Wireless would be easier because the signal is carried in the air and could be pinpointed to the exact source with the right tools & equipment,Set that aside,There are two things I'd like to point out:
1. Despite their internet being fast,You'll only get good speeds from filehosts if you have a premium account and use a download
yes i do have premium
2. It's possible that they block file hosts and if they do,A VPN will cost you some money (and may or may not slowdown the connection speed) Did you actually try to access the specific file hosts?
i dont think they actually blocked anything, i tried one of the premiums through jdownloader and it worked no problem.
bb05 replied: if you generate enough traffic they will track down you by mac address.
Just to clarify on this,A mac address in general is not associated with a specific person so one cannot be traced by that
alone,If anything they'd have to lock down the place then check & compare the mac addresses off all PCs in place in order
to get a hit,This of course would be a major effort and they're unlikely to go that far just for some used bandwidth.
bb05 replied: but keep in mind, if you login with your laptop to anything school related they have you traced that way.
Not only that,If they monitor the traffic or maintain website access logs,Pretty much anything that can be associated with his personal information (Such as Facebook) can be used against him.

okay the other day i did access my facebook page, but what if from now on i dont access any websites, clear all browser info (now), & only download through jdownloader (i will get the links added at home)
thanks for taking the time to give such a answer
Answer #12
The_Zodiac replied: but what if from now on i dont access any websites, clear all browser info (now), & only download through jdownloader (i will get the links added at home)
You have no reason to clear the browser cache/history,It’s not like downloading files is a major crime,And for the record,If they already
had you logged on the router level & transparent http proxy (if they have one set) this would make no difference,You could change your
mac address if your extra paranoid:
But honestly your worrying too much,As long as your not gonna use too much bandwidth they’re not gonna care.
It doesn’t matter whether you get links in place or at home and then add em.
The_Zodiac replied: thanks for taking the time to give such a answer
You welcome
Answer #13
as it turns out i cant used the wired because the cables are literally locked to the back of the machine lol. do you recommend me chaning my mac address before using wifi to lower the odds? thanks
(although wouldnt my ip address be the same still?)
Answer #14
This is what I would do. If it is your own laptop then I’d set it downloading (using wireless) then change the power settings so that when you close the lid it doesn’t put the computer into hibernate mode. Then just leave it downloading.
I would not do it if you have to log in using credentials i.e – if you have to enter a specific username and password that is unique to you, as this could make you easily identifiable.
Hope this helps!
Answer #15
hibernate modeit won’t download in hibernate
Answer #16
The_Zodiac replied: as it turns out i cant used the wired because the cables are literally locked to the back of the machine lol
How bout the other end,Is there an Ethernet socket on the wall? If so,You could try bringing your own cable and just unplug
theirs and plug yours.
The_Zodiac replied: do you recommend me chaning my mac address before using wifi to lower the odds?
Only if your extremely paranoid.
The_Zodiac replied: (although wouldnt my ip address be the same still?)
Not at all,DHCP assigns a random one each time.
Answer #17
Chances are that the IT system admin is bang at it anyway, filesharing etc (prob pron), so I wouldn’t get too paranoid.
eg. I have multiple e-mail and fairly large ftp accounts on several .edu servers in the USA created by aquaintances I have met on the interwebz who are system admins
They have said in the past, they only get the hump with students/tutors sharing “illegal” files in their ftp accounts.
Answer #18
Pierre_Valois replied: hibernate modeit won't download in hibernate
He said disable it so when you close the lid it WONT go into hibernate mode!
Answer #19
Also, make sure that the name of your computer doesn’t bait out who you are, for example if your name is:
John smith
and the name of the computer is
that will give away who you are. so change it, and change the computer description too.
Use a firewall such as comodo, and allow all the programs that are downloading, then set it to High Risk. This will stop people from trying to get more information out of your computer via the network, and will popup every time something suspicious happens.
Answer #20
If it’s anything like our campus, the movie companies hire independent tracking companies to track for them. The universities give them access to watch usage, so if anything happens, it’s the tracking company that contacts the school. The school doesn’t watch, but working in IT, I’ve seen more than my fair share of people who have gotten caught downloading movies. Most were through torrents, but I’d still be careful.
Answer #21
huzibizi replied: Also, make sure that the name of your computer doesn't bait out who you are, for example if your name is:
John smith
and the name of the computer is
that will give away who you are. so change it, and change the computer description too.
Use a firewall such as comodo, and allow all the programs that are downloading, then set it to High Risk. This will stop people from trying to get more information out of your computer via the network, and will popup every time something suspicious happens.

lol its funny i actually thought of that right before i left for class. i origionaly named it “DELLXPS” which would of been a dead giveaway
Answer #22
At most the networking crew will blackhole your MAC address, not allowing the network layer pass any more of your packets. Then, you would not be able to plug er back iny where else conveneient. MAC addresses are primarly given by the manufacturer of the device. The wifi uses a different MAC address, as it is a different piece of hardware.
As far as catching you? They have no idea what the payload of the the packets youa re sending or receivng, they will only notice a crapload of traffic being generated by your machine. I promise, no networking jerk is going to get off his butt to literally “track you down.”
It is possible that they will tell the computer lab techs to be on the look out for some ~censored~ torrenting, etc, but even then, if you are cool, you play it off and look like any other kid int he room
LASTLY be a good neighbor and reconnect the PC when you are done. If you don’t reconnect the PC back to the wall after taking your laptop off of their netwrok, you are making WORK for someone else. Then they will not like you. They will be upset with you. Breaking stuff makes work. Downloading does not make work.
My two cents
Answer #23
And one more thing: Universities are very very liberal institutions. If they catch you, you can literally tell them that you were doing research on (insert one: torrenting, warez, pirating,network security,masturbation,pornographic materials,mp3 downloading software). Again, if you can keep cool, you aren’t going to hear jack! If they do “catch you” they will only do so because a bot or other tracker at some 3rd party hired by the mpaa or riaa nailed you. So download smart. Download fast


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