[Solved] (probly)yet another mod i just cant install

November 2nd, 2013

why dont they have installation instructions with the links!?
can anyone help please
i’m starting to tear out my hair (wats left of it)

Answer #1
will this help at all
Answer #2
thanks man
but afraid not
i cant even get the stupid thing running
so cant select any options
I’m basically trying to run morrowind on my netbook.
just cant figure out how to get this optimizer working
I run it, it says ‘morrowind isnt running’
so i run ,orrowind, and run it again, and still no joy.
The mind utterly boggles
why cant they just put a readme file in with the programmes to tell you how to apply them?
oh well..
Its beynd me anyway.
even with the intruscions on that link
it doesnt work for me.
i think i may have it sorted
ive no idea if it running or not lol
But it will do
i think mods are a bit to hard to install for a guy as stooopid as me lol
thanks much anyway


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