August 5th, 2016

I installed Windows XP 64 into my new AMD 64 system and found out that one of my AIO printer doesn’t have support for 64 bits so it can print but can’t scan .
In order to use the scan funtion, I partician my hard drive in 2 and install Windows XP Pro into the 2nd partician and it works fine. The problem is when I click on Start/Turn Off my PC/Turn Off button. it reboot to the screen when it give me a choice to boot with Windows 64 or XP. in another word, it restarting. In order to shut down I have to hold down the start button on the casing for a few second.
When install one operation system, then it shut down fine.
Any idea or suggestion on how to fix this problem.
Thanks in advance.

Answer #1
well once i have a gateway computer and i had to do the samething, i contacted them and they told me to download some kind of driver, although i cannot remember exactly what it was


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