What antivirus do you recommend for Windows Vista?

August 5th, 2016

What antivirus-software do you recommend to be installed on windows vista ultimate? I have a sony vaio fs315b, with 2GB DDR2 RAM.
Thanks in advance!

Answer #1
NOD32 worked for me while i had vista…
Answer #2
NOD32, or Kaspersky.
Answer #3
Kaspersky works fine
Answer #4
avg anti-virus/internet security is my recomendation, i use it, it finds all sorts of viruses, an speeded up my computer by cleaning away the ~love~ lol,
Answer #5
I would use AVG antivirus/internet security as said above. Is awesome as it comes with loads of features and is compatible with vista.
Answer #6
i use aVast! without any problems
Answer #7
You should use kaspersky
Answer #8
Answer #9
nod 32
Answer #10
Kaspersky Internet Security or Eset Smart Security. ESS is NOD32 AV scanning with a firewall and such. What ever you do dont use AVG or AVAST. AVAST doesnt pick anything up and AVG has to many false positives. ESS and KIS are the top 2 AV products out right now.
Answer #11
AVG is the best that i have found for windows (works on vista too) its free and does a great job.
Answer #12
thanks for the quick replies! appreciate it!
Answer #13
nod32 but finding working serials will be difficult
Answer #14
I use Avast free edition. Because i dont need a good one.
Answer #15
Not really. Just go to nod321.com if you decide to go with NOD32/ESS.
Answer #16
nod32 but finding working serials will be difficult
Are you serious??? The unlimited crack of nod32 is very easy to find.
I recommend nod32, Kasperskys footprint is way too big and I had problems with it using vista. It was to picky about what it was letting in and out of my system
Answer #17
None of them. No antivirus ftw
Answer #18
nod32 but finding working serials will be difficult
Are you serious??? The unlimited crack of nod32 is very easy to find.
I recommend nod32, Kasperskys footprint is way too big and I had problems with it using vista. It was to picky about what it was letting in and out of my system

The only problem with that is that the crack only works for about a week and gets blacklisted.
Answer #19
kaspersky is the best..here try this..with the latest keys
http://~ Dead file host ~/files/76539943/Kav_7.0.0.125.rar
and you can check if a key has been blacklisted or not by using this..
http://~ Dead file host ~/files/75823828/KIS_ky_cheker.rar


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