Video Editor+User Friendly

July 25th, 2016

I know ive already asked this but i want to see if i can get more answers. I want one that is user friendly and has many options. By user friendly i basically mean anything that can be picked up in like 2 hours.
Answer #1
what sort of editting do you want to do ? like ,how clever and complex is the editting you do ? what cpu and ram do you use ?
Answer #2
i have a decent computer. AMD Dual Core 2.3 ghz, 2 gb ram. I want to do semi complex. Like enough to impress people but not like movie effects.
Answer #3
I also want a video editor like that (not so complex but not too mhuch simple). !!
Answer #4
Vegas Pro
How fast you learn how to use it is determined by how much you already know about video editing and your general intelligence.


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