utorrent – doesnt allow me to add custom search engine field

August 5th, 2016

is there a way for me to configure the search bar, nothing comes up….and there is no clear settings
any other apps or mac which will allow me

Answer #1
There should definitely be an option in settings, for Windows is at Preferences -> Advanced -> UI Extras, there should be something similar for Mac too. Other torrent clients are transmission and deluge, transmission must be able to do what you want as it is highly customisable (not sure even though I’m using it, never bothered myself with this, at Windows currently using μtorrent, too bored to make the switch to Linux now to check), not sure about Deluge. μtorrent opens a browser window anyway, just search at your browser then open the torrent file.
Answer #2
ah the option doesnt exist on mac and it doesnt bring anything in the current search box either
must be a change in software…


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