Unable to play Counter strike !

August 5th, 2016

i am using Vista SP1, 9600GT with latest nvidia driver and 256KBPS connection speed !!
i have installed CS1.6 latest version. but when i am going to join any server or own server then its logged in and showing me welcome screen and then it frezz i mean stop responding after showing welcome screen !! need help !!

Answer #1
in order to create a game server you need to replace one file on cs/plattform/config. Look for that file here on . It’s easy to make it run.
Answer #2
no….i dont want to make server !! i want to play… when i am going to join any server, after loging into that server it shows me the welcome screen !! then I can’t click on the OK button !! but i can move my mouse !!
plzzzz….anyone??? i really need help !! i want to play cs !!
Answer #3
hey i have the same damn problem..i uninstalled it then install again still dsnt work..we need helppp
Answer #4
try changing the resolution
Answer #5
i did…but same result !! i did = 800 x 600, 1024 x 768, 1280 x 1024 !! but all r giving same result !!
Can’t click on OK !!
Answer #6
Finally i have solved the problem myself !!
do this:
Answer #7
still does not work….im using vista business
Answer #8
still does not work....im using vista business
Ya…u r right….i am having this problem again !! but it worked 3 times after changing video settings.
Answer #9
what i did was i created a new account in my laptop and opened my cs.it works.but i dont know why it doesnt work anymore.haha
Answer #10
finally here is the solution:-
start task manager-go to processes tab- find IEmonitor.exe….right click—-end process. this iemonitor.exe is the problem !!


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