Tool Tested and Working to defeat forensic for HDD/MMC/Dou

August 2nd, 2016

Hi all ,
Can you please suggest a tool/software that’s tested and working that can defeat forensic tools for HDD, MMC and Memory Stick Pro Dou. Thanks

Answer #1
recycle bin
Answer #2
you can do this:
Buy exactly a similar hard drive which contains all legal stuffs. When u trhink they are coming for you, swap the legal hdd with the -filled hdd one. Bury the hdd and show them the legal hdd. :-I
Answer #3
They can only recover stuff that has been overwritten something like 28 times…..there are programs which will overwrite your trashed items multiple times…as for all the other places that info gets stored on your computer I am not sure.
Answer #4 defeats the DoD recovery tools. Or just physically break the disk?
Answer #5
There is simply NO software to do it. But there IS hardware!
A very strong magnet! Note that i`ll screw your harddisc forever.
Answer #6
not even a magnet ca ndo the job.
try to search the forum, a member that is working on data recovery within labs was telling us that only chemical products was relevant… other stuf won’t work.
Even the famous DoD levels were beaten and stuff could be readable… a really impressive article.
He was even working with great britain intelligency O.o…


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