[SOLVED]Which mw3 to download from steam?

August 27th, 2013

so guys i activated my mw3 on steam,
now it starts downloading
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 – Multiplayer
the first one is 14,087.6 mb
and the second one is 14,088.0 mb
so i was wondering do i have to download both of them?
or just one?.
please help

Answer #1
Depends…do you wanna play both?
Answer #2
i do, but im pretty sure the full size of mw3 (including mp) is around 14gb
you can tell by looking at the rips in the games section.
so im just a little confused.
and yes i want to play them both.
Answer #3
Get them both, Singleplayer first.
It might let you download less due to file checking.
Answer #4
NOOOO…. it downloads both at the same time…… the game (overall – SP and MP).
It should have 3 stuff…. SP, MP, and DS (dedicated server)
Just let them both download, it won’t download 14+14GB… it only downloads 14GB – then installs so steam can run the game…
I still suggest pirating MW3 – I have the legit version… and steam deleted the game, and starts downloading again…
They are seperate, so that it can run SP – without running MP and crashing steam…. because they take up a LOT of memory to run… so steam has divided it into two run-able programs
Plz tell me if this makes sense


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